Apps — Ultralingua

World-class dictionary apps with data from HarperCollins, Le Robert, Vox, and Ultralingua

“A fantastic dictionary with conjugations, idioms, and slang…As a language teacher, this was the dictionary I’d recommend to students because it uses no data and is fast.” — Customer Review

“Simple and efficient interface stays out of your way and cannot be done better.” — Customer Review

Smart search

Type suis to find être, Bäume to find Baum, or even habré aprendido to find aprender. Any form of a word will take you straight to the root word.


Verb conjugations

All tenses for thousands of verbs in each language, including regular, irregular, and reflexive verbs.


Number translation

Type a number, get the words!


More great features

  • Works offline

  • Fast searches

  • Remembers your lookup history

  • Lets you keep a list of favorites