Collins Pro German-English Dictionary for Windows
Collins Pro German-English Dictionary for Windows
Easily search over 110,000 German-English definitions for about 85,000 headwords using high-performance Ultralingua features.
We know that as a serious German or English language learner you expect more than simple translations from your dictionary, so we created Windows software that conjugates, translates numbers, and includes built-in study tools like a flashcard builder and a bilingual grammar guide. With the Collins German-English dictionary, you can:
Click on any word in a translation to look it up, conjugate it, add it to your flashcards, or search for usage examples online.
Conjugate thousands of German and English verbs.
Customize flashcards for memorizing vocabulary lists, verb forms, and more.
Translate numbers into German and English text.
Define German and English words in email, web browsers, PDF files, documents, and more with a hotkey.
With our Windows software installed, you’ll be equipped to look up German and English words, conjugate thousands of verbs, and study language your way.